Pandora's Box

Oh Pandora, don't open it or there won't be any secret left...

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Levity: Vice or Virtue?

We set the gravitational acceleration to 9.83, we fix the mysterious Pi number to 3.14 and we usually linearize the misshaped curves in order to get rid of the parameter abundance. Why not doing the same reductionist approach to life? Why not adopting a carefree attitude towards life?
Life is very sophisticated. You think of tomorrow while you are not sure how things turn out tonight. Let's just constrain the parameters of life to those directly related to our primal desires and fears. Let's linearize the n-dimensional twisting curve of life. Let's consider ourselves just tiny creatures in the infinite universe. Let's look at our lifespan as an insignificant interval in the timeless age of universe. In essence, let's outsmart this complicated life with not taking it seriously.


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