Pandora's Box

Oh Pandora, don't open it or there won't be any secret left...

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Sometimes I feel jealous towards animals. The privilege given to us, homo sapiens, is the power of reasoning which boils down to compromises. It looks good per se but denies us the chance of being absolute winner (or loser). I envy the animals when they happily hunt and don't care if there are other moving preys around while they are feasting on their conquest. I envy them when they are mating, not giving a shit if they have chosen the best mate. The sheer joy they experience is quite far removed from our utmost mirth. We are condemned to think and decide and then regret. Life is a fucking chain of fucking compromises. Something inside me is telling me don't get too philosophical. Ok, I give up...


Blogger evian said...

That's why there's a saying, "simple is the best". Missing those old happy childhoods...

But I guess once you get philosophical, it's hard to get rid of it :P

The solution is ... LIVE in this complex world and keep a simple HEART and do compromise. Haha, it's like saying nothing...NP-problem.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

11:47 AM  

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